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Robokill 3 Hacked Full Version !EXCLUSIVE!

robokill 2 hacked full versionQ: Cannot save Parse-Object in Parse Cloud I've created my Data.json file in the public folder of and stored it there. I'm then going to save it in my Parse-Cloud and test it, but when I open up the Class-Data.json it just shows a list of objects with no data. Do I need to do something extra to save my JSON file into the Parse-Cloud? Here is my code: var newClass = new Class; newClass.set("className", "A Class Name"); newClass.set("courseName", "Course Name"); newClass.set("numberOfDays", "21"); newClass.set("showSEMCode", "0"); newClass.saveInBackgroundWithBlock(newBlock(newClass)); A: You need to specify which object you want to save. Currently you are passing it newClass and it is looking at the class's data as the object. Try this: var newClass = new Class.create(); newClass.set("className", "A Class Name"); newClass.set("courseName", "Course Name"); newClass.set("numberOfDays", "21"); newClass.set("showSEMCode", "0"); newClass.saveInBackgroundWithBlock(newBlock(newClass)); function newBlock(newClass){ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var query = new Class.Query(); query.equalTo("objectId", newClass.objectId()); query.find().then(function (classes) { //!!!! classes is not what we want here!!! //!!!!!!!!!!!!!! classes.forEach(function (class) { newClass.addObject(class); }); be359ba680

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